Blog Post
Being Black in the Wedding Industry- An Interview With WPIC Alumni

“With all of the injustice going on in the world right now, we at WPIC Inc. wanted to show our support and take a stand. It is not okay, and will never be okay to judge someone because of the color of one’s skin. We as a company pledge to learn more, do more, and better ourselves to be more inclusive and supportive.” ~Tracey Manailescu, WPIC Vice President and Co-founder I asked some of our WPIC alumni to voice their opinions and concerns with us in an article. It’s a long read, but it is so wonderfully informative and well worth reading until the end.

I was treated unfairly by a high-profile wedding videographer that I had recommended to my clients for their wedding. I had contacted the videographer several times as he was 3 months late to deliver the wedding video highlight. He didn’t answer my emails for almost a month which got me very worried, as the couple was anxious to see the highlight. When he eventually responded, he didn’t accept that he was wrong talkless of apologizing but instead he accused me of being incompetent, blocked my email address and contact number. He also threatened to write bad reviews about me online and went behind my back to contact the couple and spoke very badly about me. However, he didn’t realize that they forwarded all the emails to me. This experience made me feel inferior and made me second guess myself.
~Temi Apara